Story starting with the letter B
April 30th - May 26
9am - 8pm everyday
26 Ross St Forest Lodge
Have a look at this fabulous space for art, design and architecture to connect with an everyday thoroughfare. More details at Branch3d. I wish that more windows around town could be used in a creative way. The work here was a playful interlude from my studio works and a lovely opportunity to make art merging with the suburbs.
Through a
window, through the branches, on the tree top
brooms, brushes
here we are
past and
future imaginings
with abundant possibilities
pages quietly in shadow and line
from Nature, held in museums and books
birdsong mixed with the ordinary and disowned,
remnants of
the human world.
A big thanks to Sarah Nolan, artist and director of Branch
and to the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney for a wealth of history and
free, open 7 days and just up the road!)